Is Land-Based Gambling Finally in Alabama’s Future?

In an unprecedented move, the Governor of Alabama has ordered the Attorney General to stop enforcing the war on gambling. Instead, he has placed this issue in the hands of local authorities. Thus, the next legislative session in 2016 should be an interesting one. One in which we will see if the current Senate President will create and add gambling, Las Vegas style, at Alabama’s four greyhound tracks. To understand the significance of this move, the legalization of gambling has been a constant fight that has been going on for the last seven years. However, when the new Governor took office, he disbanded the task force that the former Governor implemented to uphold illegal gambling laws. But according to voting stats, the majority of Alabamans voted for gambling in their state. The governor feels that legalizing gambling in Alabama will help create jobs, which is a major issue for him as well as the constituents who voted for gambling as well. We’ll continue to keep you posted on this important issue.