Cryptic Signs Pit Bosses Use in Casinos

Back to the 60s Slots

The high-stakes world of casino gambling has captured the imaginations of people for ages, and most of us are familiar with dealers. However, one of the lesser known figures found at most casinos are pit bosses. They're enigmas who wield a unique set of skills. If you're a seasoned gambler, you likely know a little bit about pit bosses. They're a person who directs employees that work in the casino pit. They manage the dealers on the floor, and supervise the table games dealers as the games unfold.

The average gambler doesn't know much about the man behind the curtain. It's not necessary for an average player to know anything about how a casino functions aside from how to play the games and what you should do when you win or lose. However, ultra-experienced casino sharks are aware pit bosses use codes and signs to communicate with their staff, and in this article we're going to pull back the veil and discuss five common secret codes pit bosses use.

Code 1: Adjusting Ties

Pit bosses are as known for their professional appearance as they are for their secret language and code of conduct. Pit bosses will always be found wearing suits, and the ties they wear are more than just an accessory. The way a pit boss will adjust their ties will communicate specific messages to the dealers. If a pit boss swiftly adjusts their tie, they're communicating to the dealer a high roller has just enter the premises. This will let the staff know they must be on their best behavior and offer top-notch service to that high roller. On the other hand, if a pit boss adjusts their tie for a prolonged period of time, that may be because they are suspicious of someone cheating in their vicinity, and want the staff to be on high alert and surveillance the potential cheater.

Code 2: Clipboard Tilt

One of the ways they communicate is using the clipboards they carry around. At first glance, one probably wouldn't think much of a pit boss carrying around a clipboard. However, simple tilts and adjustments can be used to communicate important information to all staff. If a pit boss tilts the clipboard towards a table, it means the pit boss suspects the table of suspicious activity, and wishes to increase surveillance of this table to avoid a potential issue or catch cheaters.

Code 3: Hand Gestures

Casino floors can often be noisy and loud. There's constant movement, and in general, casinos are exciting. Since everything can be a little chaotic at times, pit bosses work to find ways to communicate discreetly in order to maintain order. Subtle hand movements towards a specific table can be crucial. Sometimes the hand movement will signal that a table needs more dealers, or it might indicate a change in the minimum bet. Non-verbal cues are important for maintaining order, and do not interfere with the casinos atmosphere and the overall experience.

Code 4: Chip Stack Pattern

Chip stacks are an iconic part of the casino experience, and in the world of both high and low stakes gambling, chips represent a player's wealth. Pit bosses will often utilize the patten of chip stacks, along with the arrangement of the stacks on the gaming tables. These patterns will convey specific coded messages. Stack formations indicate if a player is being monitored for suspicious activity, or it might suggest a table needs security personnel. Only the casino staff is trained to decode chip patterns.

Code 5: The Floor Plan Shuffle

People don't often realize how much thought and planning goes into designing a casino space. Pit bosses themselves often leverage the layout, and use it to convey specific messages. If there is an unexpected adjustment in the floor plan, it will indicate specific instructions to the staff. Once again, only those who work at the casino are trained to decipher these sort of codes. However, changes in the casino arrangement could be because there is a VIP arrival or even an increased need for security around a specific table or related to a specific player. These subtle nuances are what keeps casinos running smoothly.