Holiday Traffic on the up For Mobile Casinos?

5 Million Dollar Touchdown Slots
With the use of mobile devices doing nothing but rising and sales figures in recent months due to the holidays going through the roof, has this done anything for mobile casino numbers? The quick answer is yes, and while we wait for casinos to publish numbers we can take a look at what's available and make a few assumptions. There aren't many people now that don't have a mobile device of some description, whether it be the latest iPhone or iPad or the humblest of legacy phones with a basic internet connection, and these are used for many things, including getting our online entertainment. Millions of people will have received mobile devices at Christmas and even more will be sold in the post Christmas sales with some observers predicting the use of such devices to access the internet will surpass that of regular computers in the near future. For those casinos that offer a mobile version, and let's face it most now do, this is nothing but good news. For a casino operator to have their product in a players pocket or bag is like a dream come true for them and it's no wonder that new games and upgrades are constantly making news. With smartphone sales now making up around 50% of all phones sold, the market for online casinos is there and many operators in the run up to the holidays were reporting great mobile results with the hope of a bumper festive season. The wait for numbers shouldn't be a long one and many a spokesperson will be warming up their vocal chords right about now.