Apple iPad

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The new Apple iPad made its debut to throngs of electronic enthusiasts yesterday amid much anticipation as to what this new device would reveal. The Apple iPad utilizes Safari browser and has a large multi-touch screen. With a height of a little over 9 inches, and weighing 1.5 pounds, the iPad will enable internet users to navigate the web in a much easier manner.

Touted as a user-friendly device, the Apple iPad has many features including: mail application in which you can view email in both portrait and landscape, with a split-screen view that shows both the opened email and messages in your email box. The iPad email is compatible with MobileMe, Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, and AOL.

The Apple iPad also allows users to take photos, view slideshows, and import photos as well. With its high-resolution screen, iPad enables users to watch HD movies and TV shows, podcasts and music videos. Switching from widescreen and full screen has never been easier. YouTube fans will embrace the iPad as it also organizes videos for easy navigation.

Using the iPad application, you can listen to your favorite tunes simply by tapping on the album, song, or artist. Whether you listen via the iPad’s built-in speaker or connect the device to Bluetooth wireless headphones, the sounds are extraordinary.

With a battery life of 10 hours, the Apple iPad is also compatible with Windows, Mac, and iTunes. With over 140,000 applications, you can use the iPad for business applications to online games.

Log into your favorite online casino and play slots using the Apple i Pad! Due to its A4 chip, the iPad was designed to be powerful and efficient. Playing at online flash casinos will provide a new gaming experience for iPad users.

Additional features include: iBooks, Maps, Calendar, Notes, Contacts, Home Screen Customization, Spotlight Search, Multi-touch technology, Wi-Fi capability, iPad dock, Camera Connection Kit, Keyboard Dock, and a variety of accessories.

The Apple iPad is priced from $499 for a 16GB with Wi-Fi to $829 for a 64GB with Wi-Fi + 3G.

If you are looking for an electronic device that is a cross between a laptop and a smart phone, and provides you with the capability to play online casino games along with its other applications, the new Apple iPad is for you!