Heavyweight Gold Slots

Heavyweight Gold Slots

Golden Cherry Casino has just announced the arrival of a brand new I-Slot game called Heavyweight Gold Slots. This 20-payline bonus slot game is sure to be a hit among slot enthusiasts because it is an interactive slot game featuring a unique storyline. The word is that this slot game is about a struggling boxer who wants to win the title. As he begins the process of trying to become one of the greatest boxers in the world, you will have a ringside seat as he vies for the Heavyweight Gold Belt.

Touted as having one of the most exciting bonus rounds, players will have to go "toe to toe" against three opponents. Who will win? This game features all of the accoutrements you find in a boxing ring, from the trainer to the referee; from the roaring of the crowds to the sound of the bell; from the gorgeous women announcing the rounds to the advice given to the boxer between rounds. Sunshine Slots looks forward, with great enthusiasm, to giving this "heavyweight" slot game a full review. Stay tuned!