Bitcoin Comes to Jackpot Capital Casino

Jackpot Capital Casino
You've all heard about the new payment method Bitcoin. More and more online casinos for US players are now utilizing this new generation of banking. Now Jackpot Capital Casino has signed on because it has become popular worldwide. Bitcoin was first introduced in 2008, and it literally sweeping the US market. As a virtual payment method, Bitcoin makes it safer, easier, and a better way to fund your casino accounts. No banks are involved, which makes it even more attractive. You can purchase these Bitcoins online, and it is the least complicated way to use them. One of the major features of Bitcoin is that you are anonymous when you make a deposit at an online casino. You use a code that identifies you. There are no third parties involved and there are no fees. Think of it as what PayPal uses to secure one's password using a FOB key. When you sign into PayPal the number generated on the key is always random, which is a great safety measure. With Bitcoin, you buy them first by registering with them (called a blockchain account), and you will receive and store these Bitcoins. When you need to fund a casino account, you can transfer the Bitcoins to that Bitcoin Casinos. On the other hand, if you want to make a withdrawal you only need to log into your account, enter the amount, and Bingo - it's transferred. The minimum withdrawal is $100 and the max is $2500. For more information on Jackpot Capital Casino's Bitcoin payment method, just sign up with them and you will get all the information you need.