Around 18 months ago over in Nevada it was South Point Poker that was making all the headlines as it became the very first online poker room to be granted a license in the state. South Point was all geared up and ready to be the first regulated online poker room in the United States, however that never happened, but finally it’s here and is the third poker room to launch in Nevada behind Ultimate Poker and It was a quiet soft launch and the initial weeks can be considered as a test run while the new software is put through its paces. Players at Real Gaming will find a limited offering with only low limit real money Texas Hold’em cash games, 6 max sit n go’s and heads up tables available, with tournaments to be added later, however there is a big difference with the Real Gaming software, as they have delivered a web based platform which is non downloadable and therefore may be used on mobile devices.
To play at Real Gaming you will of course need to be located in Nevada and that needs to be proved by using their geolocation software, via an SMS message. South Point Poker could have had the lion's share of the online poker world in Nevada, instead, after a year and a half of delays there’s no doubt they will struggle against the two established rooms, with out in the lead. It would be difficult to play catch up even in a much larger arena, however with only Nevada residents allowed to play, no tournament offering and being so late to the game, tough times lie ahead for Real