Crypto Games Casino

I have to stop right here. After viewing this site, I am particularly baffled that it is even online. Crypto Games casino only has 7 – count them – 7 games. The title given on the main page is Bitcoin and Altcoin Gambling. At the bottom of the main page, you will be able to view Coin Name, Total Bets, Amount Wagered, and Bankroll. The games are: Dice, Blackjack, ONE Slot, Roulette, Video Poker, Pinko, and Lottery.

About Crypto Games Casino

According to their “About Us” Page, Crypto Games Casino states the following: “We launched on May 2014 with our first website It was a slot machine game exclusively for Dogecoin. On August 2014, we decided to offer other, more popular cryptocurrencies to gamble with, so we opened Soon after launch, we added dice, which we continuously improve to offer our players the best experience. In September 2015, Blackjack was added and in October 2015, lottery joined the ranks. Roulette, our 5th game, was added in July 2016, Video Poker in December 2016 and 7th game, Plinko was added in May 2017.” Now that you know what Crypto Games Casino is about, I have to say without bias, that I give them credit for starting an exclusive cryptocurrency casino.

Changing the Game

With only 7 games you can play, changing the game is really not the issue. What is important is that with every game shown, each has a myriad of cryptocurrencies that you can play with. For example: If you click on the one slot game, you will also see the total number of cryptocurrencies you can use to play this one slot game. They are: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dodgecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and a host of other payment methods. It should also be noted that Crypto Games casino is a Provably Fair casino as well.

Betting Scoreboard

There is also a live betting scoreboard in which it is constantly changing showing All Bets, Your Bets, High Rolls, Jackpots, Statistic, and Top Players. It even shows one’s profit. This board is a bit complicated for me to understand, but there it is for those who do. Apparently, whatever game you play will have this scoreboard. Thankfully, there is a “How to Play” information page available. You can either bet manually or automatically.

Customer Support

If you need to speak to a customer support representative to find out exactly how to fund your Crypto Games Casino, they are available 24/7. Just Click on “Click to Open Chat” located at the bottom of the main page.