Alaska Tops Poll in Social Gaming Revenue

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Alaska may not be the first place you think of when social gaming comes to mind. However a recent survey by social gaming researchers Playnomics has revealed that maybe the state of Alaska should be the first place that you think about. It's thought that around 70% of Zynaga's revenue come from a tiny 0.5% of its players, making these guys the real big players in social gaming, however in Japan, companies like Zynga are totally dependent on 'free spending wrecks', which is basically a lot of players spending a small amount. Playnomics discovered that more of these types of players can be found in Anchorage, Alaska than in any other city in the United States. The data shows that Anchorage leads every single market when it comes to monetization in social gaming. And this was no small survey either with 30 million players from across the world involved giving up some good information. Players in Japan and Hong Kong spent more time playing social games than anyone else, players in the UK were the most engaged, whilst China, were least engaged but that Chinese females played 22% more than males. Investment in social gaming has dropped considerably over the last few years, 94% in fact. Investment appears to have shifted to mobile gaming yet overall investment has dropped a little. The trend of mergers and acquisition seems to be holding and this is where most money is going, with over $4 Billion spent on this area in 2012.