Should you read a Café Casino review or dive straight in?

This is a very interesting question. However, if it weren’t for our site, you wouldn’t be able to review the hundreds and hundreds of online casinos we have written about for more than a dozen years. If you are new to online casinos, you may wish to review Café Casino, but frankly, there are so many reviews out there that it may alter your perception of the casino. Our reviews are unbiased in that if a casino is not worth joining, we will say so. Alternately, if a casino has all the bells and whistles that our online players expect to find, we highly recommend it and invite you to join. Café Casino is at the top of our US casino list, and US players not only welcome them, but enjoy their membership. You can read several of our Café Casino reviews here on our site. So the answer to your question is – definitely feel free to DIVE right in and join Café Casino.