Nevada Hopes to Launch Real-Money Live Online Poker

Hero School: All for One Slots

Even though web poker has been legal in Nevada since June 2011, it was not until December 2011, the gaming industry laws were adopted. This gives the casinos the authority to operate poker sites. The gaming industry in Nevada has a long reputation, and the reluctance for regulators to approve live poker gaming in Nevada has been one of the reasons for approval delay.

The Popularity of Real Money Poker Sites

These interactive poker sites have increased in popularity, and more gaming facilities all of the country would like the ability to operate these live poker websites. The competition for poker websites has decreased as a quantity of foreign websites were told they could no longer accept US players. This led to foreign software providers approaching offline casinos to provide the interactive poker technology at regular casinos.

Some Casinos Opt for Free-Play

The hope is that by the end of 2013, more Nevada casinos will be able to offer real-money poker. A few casinos have become licensed to allow real-money playing on their websites. Some websites that have not applied for license to offer real-money poker have just setup online poker gaming that does not involve money. The free play option created on these websites have been used to drive traffic to the casino.

Read our review of Poker Rooms Currently Open to US Players