Enough with the Anti-Gambling Rhetoric!

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As you know, Paul Ryan is the new Speaker of the House. It is interesting to note that he has never voted on the UIGEA Law nor addressed the New Wire Act, funded and proposed by Sheldon Adelson. Yet, as the new Speaker of the House, he has called in a gentleman who will address this in the near future, even though it has not yet come up on the floor. If you want to know what irks me, it is that Adelson is shelling out millions of dollars to ensure that the New Wire Act, which will prohibit all online gambling, is enforced. Ryan and others are looking to Adelson for campaign funds for the next election. Ryan's new Chief of Staff, Mr. Hoppe, represents several large corporations and one of them is Sheldon Adelson's Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling. Mr. Hoppe is known for his anti-gambling views. It has also been reported that Hoppe has been an advocate for anti-gambling measures and works directly with Adelson's Group.

They're At It Again!

It seems to this writer that we are headed for another situation in which Ryan was for online gambling before he becomes against online gambling. The lobbying money he, Mr. Hoppe, has collected from corporations over the last decade amount to more than $95 million. Will Adelson, who has already been lobbying Congressmen and Senators with big bucks, sway the yet to be voted on New Wire Act? This remains to be seen. I don't know about you, but I am sick to death of this anti-gambling rhetoric that has been the Republican stance since the UIGEA Law was overturned. It's time to send a message to those that would thwart online gambling once and for all. You can do so in the voting booth in 2016.