It's Good to be Bad Slots
There are many video slots both online and in casinos with the classic three reel, one payline layout. It's Good to be Bad Slots has both of these features, but there's no way that it could be described as a 'normal' slot. The key difference with this particular game, featured heavily on US Online Casino sites, is that the progressive jackpot can only be won when a player loses 29 times in a row. You have to lose in order to win!
Harder than it sounds, It's Good to be Bad video casino slots is laden with hell-themed graphics and sound clips to remind you just how deceiving it can be. Players will love the on-screen layout with the payout table at the top, and the progressive jackpot being constantly updated in the middle of the screen. With just three reels it's a simple to use and definitely user friendly for those who play slots online for real money.
Go All-in to Lose:
You might be wondering if this is a bit too good to be true for casino video slot games. If you need to lose in order to win then surely you can make minimum bets and lose each time, giving minimals wagers to the game and getting maximum jackpots out? Unfortunately it doesn't quite work that way. It's Good to be Bad keeps players on their toes by requiring maximum bets in order to qualify for the bonus feature I.e. winning the progressive jackpot.So, we recommend you ditch your old method of two low bets followed by one high one, and simply make a maximum bet on each spin. There's only one payline so not too much to lose, but everything to gain.